Martha Romero

Martha Romero Nambe Potter

Martha Romero

  • Renowned potter from the Pueblo of Nambe
  • Works with shimmering micaceous clay
  • Creates unpainted pieces that allow the clay’s nature to shine through

Martha Romero is a member of the Pueblo of Nambe. Her Indian name is Kwahtenbay (Rainbow). She was influenced by her mother, Rose Alice Baca, in her culture and artistic path. She has studied under pottery instructors Clarence Cruz, Pamela Lujan-Hauer, and Michael Bancroft, and has shown her work at SWAIA Santa Fe Indian Market and the Heard Museum Guild Indian Fair and Market. In addition, she has displayed her work at the Annual Spring and Winter Faculty/Student Exhibitions at the Poeh Cultural Center and Museum Gallery.

“I am spiritually awakened when creating pottery! It brings me closer to my mother who has completed the circle. In relearning what she taught me I find a connection to my mother and our beloved Nambe. To me Mother Earth is Nambe and all of its beauty. I continue to create simple undecorated pieces as my ancestors did. The mica shines in place of decoration. The design aesthetics that I now add represent my love of nature. With guidance from Clay Mother I aspire to take the pottery of my tribe and incorporate Nambe’s beauty. I would like to leave a legacy to my children’s children and hope that they find the beauty of what Clay Mother is through their own hands and in doing so find a connection to their native culture.”

Martha is one of five Pueblo potters who were commissioned by Shumakolowa Native Arts to create traditional Pueblo pottery in the form of a contemporary coffee mug. The one-of-a-kind piece is on permanent display with the other remarkable originals at Shumakolowa, located inside the Indian Pueblo Cultural Center.